Mourning in Growth
Here I sit, on my last day in Ireland, staring at my full suitcase. And my heart is so full. Before I came here, I could not fathom how...

What I Like About Eu(rope)
I feel the need to immediately add a disclaimer here: I have not been any place outside of Ireland as of now, so my European knowledge is...

One Week Left
Hello, friends! Week 3 is over and done now, and although it seems impossible, I have only 5 days left in this beautiful country before...

Second Week on the Books
Hello everyone! It is actually the start of week 3 now, but it was such a busy weekend that I had no time to blog at the end of the...

First Week Down
Hello, everyone! Today is Saturday. And do you know what that means? I have officially been in Ireland one week. Woo-hoo! Seven full days...

Finally in Ireland!
Hello, friends! I have finally arrived here in Maynooth, the little Irish town I will be staying in and attending college while here....

Thoughts from Heathrow
As I begin to type this post, the date at my house is June 30th. Where I am, however, the date is July 1st. And why is that? Because I,...